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Marshall Morris, is spending the last few days of summer at home in Justice, Texas before going off to college. The affable young man who seems compelled to take a twisted and amusing path wherever he goes, finds love in Mallory, a diminutive African-American cheerleader. Unfortunately, after he befriends a crusty group of old vets bent on saving a war memorial statue, an idle comment craters his romance.

At first, he clueless about how his narrow beliefs can negatively affect surrounding people who matter. Angered by what he considers irresponsibility and disrespect for our country, he condemns the wanton destruction of monuments, including those of confederate leaders. It takes the painful loss of Mallory for him to experience an epiphany. He finally recognizes his folly by honoring those who were bent on destroying the country by upholding slavery and white supremacy. Memorials to such individuals must be eliminated and only those heroes who sought to build our country are worth remembering.

When a real estate developer attempts to destroy a memorial to local Marine war hero, Sam Jacinto, so he can build a shopping center on the site, a motley band of old codgers and teenagers are cobbled together. Armed with paintball guns and water hoses, they dig into a defensive perimeter around the monument. Against all odds Marshall and the old guys fight a heated night time battle to defend the memorial and save old Sam Jacinto. The spirit is willing, but the old men and kids simply cannot hold off professional hit men. The battle is lost unless Marshall Morris can pull one last trick out of his bag.Type your paragraph here.

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